Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Someday I'll grow up and hopefully it won't be too late.
I would like to be here again.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

i have a blog

Sometimes I forget that. But, in all fairness I've been busy, like really busy. Two jobs and a new pup later all I want to do when I get home is crash but then there's a quick dog walk and dinner has to be cooked...and then next thing you know it's 12:30 AM and I am wide awake in bed with a snoring dog.
About said dog, she was a Valentine's gift from Dan and is a knee high, all white, girl boxer with the unfortunate name of Princess May. Other than the name she is great. Her hobbies are barking, sleeping, carrying her bone around and farting. She's also a talented cuddler. But in all honesty, she's a great dog and while I may be biased, I couldn't be happier that she's a boxer. If you live in Chicago and are looking for a dog, think about saving one from the city pound or from a shelter like PAWS, which is where our new girl is from.
Other than dogs and jobs I am patiently waiting (in my warm bed) for spring to get here. I can't wait for bikes and long walks with the new pooch and Sunday's in the park - these are things that I am good at. But, until then, I will just have to be good at renting movies and drinking whisky, both of which I believe I am pretty talented at.

A really long time ago we went to a Blackhawks game.

I recently found this picture at my parents. I look really evil.

Threadless after hours, robot vs. refrigerator.

Dan told me they were Valentine's chickens.

Dan and the little girl.

When we were brining her home. She has two different colored eyes, like David Bowie or Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman - you know you remember.