Monday, October 19, 2009

Lurking hard or hardly lurking?

Just peek at my dashboard and you could learn a few things. Like...

1) My horoscope knows that I am not Britney Spears despite the fact that we have the same birthday. Oh and they spelled her name wrong - really? bad form.

2) Since when has CNN used the word "lurk"? They must have a bunch of 20 somethings writing their headlines. Looks like I should send a resume their way - who knows what kind of headlines I could come up with.

Other than that. Totally locked myself out of my house last night when I was taking the trash out. So what does a girl do when her roommate is out of town and doesn't want to call a locksmith? She walks to her brother's where they feed and house her. I don't know if it's a good or bad thing that there was no urgency for me to get back into my apartment, but managed to make it a day with only what I had on me - which was nothing. I guess my mom is right - it takes a village to raise me - or at least a lot of family members and close friends to keep an eye on me. I'll grow up one day - really!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

You don't know what you've got till it's gone...

I've been doing everything except what I actually need to get done. Like staining and building some shelves or being sick instead of you know, working on my portfolio. Yuck! Definitely need to get film developed and scanned before it gets too late. Weatherwise, it's supposed to be in the 60's this next week and I am having a hard time believing that'll happen. If you've been in Chicago lately you know that it's cold and that the weatherman lies.

My shelves. Did you know that it takes forever to stain and finish wood? Neither did I - I've been working on these losers since last week.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Well it's cold in Chicago and the temperature is only going to drop more and more. But that's ok, I am ready to sport some tights and boot combos. Halloween is coming up soon and my costume involves a white leather jacket - if you can guess who I am going as you get to borrow this sweet jacket. Besides halloween costume making crunch I've got portfolio review in exactly a month which is scary and exciting and means that I've got a lot of work to do.
In other news which I am sure my kind readers are excited about are my home improvements. Recently decided that I needed a headboard and being sans-money I found some inspiration and drew my version on my wall with washable crayon.

The beautiful inspiration by Johanna Santos.

Drawing stage.

The end product. Obviously not as great as the original but certainly better than a blank wall. Plus I can wash it off if I get bored with it.

My friend Leo's birthday. He thinks I look like his mom when she was my age. Odd compliment but I'll take them when I can get them.
Dan and I at MCA's Tuesdays on the Terrace, before it got cold.

Dan and his friend Ilko at Taste of Romania. Dan hated it.

Jamie Braun came to Chicago and got the most peculiar guys to hit on her. Evidance - her with our new friend Jimmy.

We had fun besides the fact that it rained the whole time she was here.