Tuesday, December 8, 2009


I am 23 now. My birthday always seems to creep up on me and this year was no exception - especially considering it fell on a Wednesday. It was fun and low key, and instead of treating myself to a new dress or something of the like I just took the day off and did errands. That should be the first clue that I am now not a fresh twenty something and with that it is the first time I can honestly say I feel older and also that I feel my age. I like the number 23 for some reason so hopefully it will be a good year.
Other than getting older I am trying to stay warm. Chicago had a cold summer and a warm fall and now suddenly it turned into winter. I woke up yesterday to snow and wondered where all of my time went. But now time will slow down and it will be winter until May, can't wait. At least now I can wear all fifty million of my jackets. I am looking forward to my mini break in KC over Christmas and also Diana's bachelorette party in Miami in April - yes I am already looking forward to April, sad.