Wednesday, January 30, 2008


After a million 'goodbyes" and a month in Kansas City, I have finally made it to Dublin.  I left a windy and snowy Kansas City around noon on the 29th for Chicago.  After four hours or so in Chicago, I boarded the plane for Dublin. I arrived at my final destination around two in the morning central time and eight in the morning Dublin time.  
In this short period of time I've already managed to blow up my alarm clock (sorry mom), thus blowing a fuse in my room and worrying that I was going to burn down my room. I've also realized that I have to buy a million things due to adapters not working and forgetfulness.  
I have no idea where I am but I know I need to figure that out fast.  I seem to be the only person in my suite so far which is awkward, but I think they should  be arriving soon.  
I could go on about how my mom decided to take pictures of me boarding the plane or how I cried a million times saying goodbye but that's just typical Bowman behavior and what's the use of being repetitive? Just kidding, but I'll leave you with a few pictures I took before leaving and the first of my arrival in Dublin.  I miss you all!
-olive juice
sleeping beauties (dad and murphy)

snowy chicago takeoff 

first view of Dublin

Another airplane view of Dublin

Saturday, January 19, 2008


New blog, new country, new fun. I've started this blog for a couple of reasons. First, I wanted a way to show and tell people about my going's on while I am away since I won't be able to call that often.  Also, I figure it will be a good way to document my trip without the photo albums and what not.  Other than those reasons, I once read somewhere a long time ago that writing things in a journal is the best form of therapy and while I am not going to be writing personal things but rather happenings, this should be a way to keep me sane, right? But this isn't going to be a blog to show you what's hot in Dublin and don't expect me to come up on the next new thing (like I ever have). But basically expect pictures of various places and news here and there of fun things that I've come across. 
Going backwards a few steps I suppose I should explain the blog title.  Remember the song that was like "na na na na, na na na na, hey hey hey, goodbye" (think 'remember the titans')? Well basically my babysitter from when I was just a babe gave me the name Sarah-nannie which was somehow based off the song. I think it had something to do with me singing the song a lot.  But then again this is the babysitter that used to wear a KISS mask to show us what the boogie man looked like so the origin of my nickname could be way off. But also since I am horrible at coming up with names for things I figured I better go with something that I was given. 
Anyhoo, if you're bored or interested in what I am up to come by.  I hope to post at least once a week, sort of a weekly update on my life. Other than that, you can IM me and video chat with me or give me your postal address and we can be pen pals.
-olive juice