Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Treasure trove

Guess what? If you've ever sent me a letter, I still have it! I've kept a journal since I was probably seven and I've managed to keep every letter ever written to me stashed inside the covers of them; not to mention I still have all those weird notes my friends and I passed during high school in a shoe box somewhere. Call me a pack rat, but I think notes and letters are some of the most interesting things to look at later in life. Anyhoo, I've decided to scan some of them as well as other things like projects and my first photos ever.

Christmas card from Kenton. Dancing Banana.

A postcard from my friend Andrew Brant from when he studied in Rome. He makes neat drawings.

This is pretty funny to me now. Hannah Morgan sent me this from one of her summer adventures.

My dearest friend Jameson and I are also pen pals. He writes the best letters with lovely drawings to accompany them.

Brother Fulgencio. Sweet old man who drinks rum and coke. Helped my parents adopt me.

One of the first photos I ever took. I've been working in the darkroom since I was six or seven.

Probably the best fortune ever.

Photo from a school trip when I was 11 or so. Oddly enough, my photos still have the same feelings in them.

Bad scan but fun project. Line project I did for 2-d design.