Thursday, December 4, 2008

Slip Sliding

Its definitely winter in Chicago. Besides the twenty degree weather, I also took a fall on the ice today which tells me, no more bike riding. I've actually become quite the scaredie cat lately.  I got into my first bike wreck on Halloween and since then I've taken my sweet time riding the buses and taking more cab rides than I'd like to reveal.  
Besides snow, ice, and the uncomfortable cold, winter also means finals. Thursday was my last day of real class and while finals start next week, I've somehow gotten incredibly lucky and only have three finals of which only one is a written test.  All those years of all nighters during finals week seem a million miles away and I somehow cannot even imagine doing them now.  My deepest thoughts are with those of whom will be sleepy eyed and pumped full of red bull in the library in the coming week.
Now on to the visual part.  Here are a million pictures starting with Thanksgiving and then randoms from my cell phone. 


Ian and Joy.


Peek-a-boo Bradley.

She had a hundred dollar bill on her hat. This plane was going to KC and then to Oklahoma.

North and Clyborn Redline. Northbound. 

The RedEye is everywhere.

This makes me happy. It would make me happier if it wasn't in this elongated comic sans font though.