In this short period of time I've already managed to blow up my alarm clock (sorry mom), thus blowing a fuse in my room and worrying that I was going to burn down my room. I've also realized that I have to buy a million things due to adapters not working and forgetfulness.
I have no idea where I am but I know I need to figure that out fast. I seem to be the only person in my suite so far which is awkward, but I think they should be arriving soon.
I could go on about how my mom decided to take pictures of me boarding the plane or how I cried a million times saying goodbye but that's just typical Bowman behavior and what's the use of being repetitive? Just kidding, but I'll leave you with a few pictures I took before leaving and the first of my arrival in Dublin. I miss you all!
-olive juice
sleeping beauties (dad and murphy)
snowy chicago takeoff
first view of Dublin